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Aussie Chicken Coops Stockists

Aussie Chicken Coops are now stocked at over 500 rural stores and retail locations across Australia. Enter your postcode to find your nearest retailer or pick up location, or see the full list below.

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* Select the delivery option in the checkout. Carrier freight surcharge applies to some remote locations.
Retailer Pick Up: Your nearest retailer pick up locations are:
* Select your nearest retailer in the checkout to purchase online with pick up, or visit them in-store to purchase offline
Retailer Notifications: Would you like us to update you when we add a retailer nearer to you? Add your email or phone number below and we'll contact you as soon as we do!

About Aussie Chicken Coops

The Aussie Chicken Tractor is a high-quality, steel mobile chicken coop with included fox-proof floor - flat-packed and ready for easy transport.

Designed as a free-range coop to keep your chickens safe from predators at night while letting them run free-range during the day, the Aussie Chicken Tractor features an easy-move design for quick relocation in your yard.

Aussie Chicken Tractors are suitable for up to 8 chickens if they're allowed to free-range during the day.

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